Title: Confessions of an Unlikely Runner
Author: Dana L. Ayers
Type: Non-Fiction
Page Count/Review Word Count: 154
Rating: 4/5
I’m still a relatively new reader of running books, but this one is my favourite so far. And there are a few different reasons for that.
Ayers is a talented writer who also has a great sense of humour, and that shines through in her writing. She’s also a distinctly average runner, and that’s not a bad thing. For me, it actually made the book much more approachable, because it was easier for me to put myself into her running shoes.
What’s most interesting of all is that Ayers has done a bit of everything, from a marathon to a tough mudder and a huge relay race where she ran as part of a team. She’s inspired me to broaden my own horizons and to think bigger!